How to Work on Airsoft Gun

How to Work on Airsoft Gun

Beginners Guide to Airsoft

Okay, I'1000 listening. Tell me more than.

Airsoft is, in the authors' stance, "Paintball for grown-ups." An airsoft gun is a full size replica of a real life gun. Many people collect them as they represent loftier quality replica models of otherwise unobtainable firearms. Others get dressed up in camouflage gear and run around private grounds shooting at each other. This is known every bit a "Skirmish" or "Skirmishing".

Originating in Japan, and now popular all over the world including Asia, the United States and Europe, Airsoft has branched out into, and been embraced past, the Corporate Leisure manufacture while keeping it'due south niche popularity with its fans. The film and television manufacture also use airsoft guns equally they provide lifelike replicas that are much less unsafe than the real thing. If you look carefully at the pilot episode of Stargate SG1, for example, you will see they were using Airsoft guns as props.

The ammunition used in airsoft is a small half-dozen mm diamter plastic brawl known as a "BB." Airsoft BBs are not the same as the 4.5 mm steel balls that BB Air guns burn down, nor the 4.6 mm (0.180 in) "BB" size lead birdshot from which the term "BB" originates. Contrary to popular belief BB does not hateful "Ball Begetting".
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Cool. What about the shooters so?

Almost mod guns (and many less modern) have their airsoft analogues. They fall into 3 chief categories and are differentiated by the blazon of gun and the machinery they use to fire the projectile. Quality tin can vary considerably from gun to gun and manufacturer to manufacturer. As a general dominion of thumb the more than metal used in the fabrication of the weapon the more durable and robust it volition exist.


The most popular blazon of airsoft gun for skirmishing is known as the AEG, or Automatic Electrical Gun. The first AEGs were made by the Japanese Manufacturer Tokyo Marui (usually known as TM). TM have produced copies of most of the automatic rifles that are in utilise effectually the globe today. Since TM made the offset AEG many more than manufacturers accept appeared: Cyma, G&One thousand, ICS, VFC, KWA, WE, Krytac and ASG to name but a few. At that place are now airsoft versions of the Russian Kalashnikov AK serial, through the space age Austrian Steyrs and Belgian FN's to the ubiquitous Colt M16 / M4 and an virtually complete range of German Heckler and Koch'south. Even British favourites similar the SLR / L1A1, Sterling SMG, STEN,  the SA80 / L85 / L86 and the L119A1 are available.  Everything from sub-machine guns, through attack rifles to light and heavy car guns are available. There are fifty-fifty Airsoft miniguns. AEGs apply a combination of a pneumatic piston, gears, a motor and electric systems to produce a fully automatic gun.
Manufactured typically of a combination of plastic for the moulded parts and metal for the moving and mechanical parts. The magazine capacities of these guns are often much bigger than the original "real steel," as they are known, weapons. For example, airsoft AKs typically have a 600 circular magazine available. The real steel AK only has a 30 round magazine. Prices range from as niggling as £100 to £2000 or more for a top end Systema "Professional Training Weapon" or PTW burglarize.

AEG Light Machine Guns

AEG Low-cal Motorcar Guns

An AEG Kalashnikov. You can see the BBs leaving the barrel.

An AEG Kalashnikov. You tin can see the BBs leaving the barrel.

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Pistol users are well catered for by gas powered weapons. These are usually powered purely by stored, pressurised gas. The gas is stored, forth with the BBs, in the pistol mag. For pistols the master gasses are either CO2, in the form of 12g capsules, or "Dark-green Gas" (essentially Propane or Propane based mixes). Gas Pistols and Rifles accept many more moving parts than AEGS. Oft the entire slide or bolt moves when the gun is fired, making for a much more realistic and satisfying experience. Gas Blow Dorsum guns (GBB for short) tin can be as powerful equally AEGs. Pistols are carried as a backup weapon or used in pistol only games, which can get quite frantic at shut quarters. Most of the ameliorate manufacturers make GBB's including Tokyo Marui, Western Artillery, Tanaka, We, KWA and KSC. Most are unmarried shot affairs, but some are total motorcar. Typically a little cheaper than AEG's, prices run from £sixty to £300. Since this article was originally written GBB Rifles have become much more usable and gas efficient and there are now a significant range of models of GBBRs available from the likes of TM, We and KWA.

NOTE: CO2 powered weapons and HPA powered weapons are not allowed at Tech Brigade.

A gas powered revolver blow back pistol. The photo has caught the pistol mid cycle with the slide moving.

A gas powered revolver blow back pistol. The photo has caught the pistol mid cycle with the slide moving.

A gas powered revolver pistol.

A gas powered revolver pistol.

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The third type of gun is the spring rifle or pistol, nigh commonly constitute as the sniper burglarize. These are commodities action, single shot weapons. They are essentially identical in operation to manually cocked spring air rifles. A spring pushes a piston frontwards in a cylinder to propel the BB downwards the butt. Due to some legislation single shot rifles tin can apply college power. As a event they have greater range and can be tweaked to take greater accuracy than an AEG. 1 tin can spend over £400 for the all-time sniper guns. Shotguns, which burn down a salvo of iii rounds, are likewise popular and use the pump action to compress a bound. Spring pistols and rifles were the very beginning kinds of airsoft guns and ruled the airsoft world until the arrival of the TM FAMAS, the first AEG. Spring pistols are puny things compared to modernistic gas pistols but tin can still exist highly entertaining.

A spring powered bolt action sniper rifle.

A jump powered bolt action sniper rifle.

A spring powered tri-shot shotgun.

A leap powered tri-shot shotgun.

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The iii generic types listed higher up are the most common types of airsoft guns, but others such as Not Blowback (NBB) guns, Automatic Electric Pistols (AEP), compressed air and shell ejecting types are available along with many other specialist types.

In the terminal few years Compressed air has likewise get a possibility for powering gas airsoft guns. Frequently known as "High Pressure level Air" or HPA systems. HPA sees something of a return to the paintball systems where the rifle has to exist connected to a remote air reservoir or tank, usually past a long umbilical hose. In that location are 2 schools of thought on HPA systems: those who love the increased shot to shot consistency or high rates of fire which HPA can provide and those who dislike the reduction in realism that having to behave effectually an air tank, pressure regulator and hose line introduces.

There are likewise BB grenades but these are almost useless (wisely) due to prophylactic/explosion restraints and should be saved for urban room immigration and small bunker clear-outs. In that location are even grenade launchers. Modelled effectually the 38 mm grenade launcher system they apply "Moscarts." These typically fire a salvo, or shower, of upwardly to 200 BB rounds in a slightly diverging flying path. Airsoft shotguns use the same divergent technique. Moscarts are really only a very close range last ditch weapon quite unlike the real 38 mm grenade launcher.

NOTE: HPA powered weapons are not immune at Tech Brigade.
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How do the guns piece of work?

How does an AEG piece of work?

When the user pulls the trigger, a excursion is completed and the motor runs. Through the gearbox, the motor pulls a piston within the cylinder back against a spring. The chamber fills with air. A mechanism pushes a BB from the magazine into the breach or hop-up unit. The piston is and so released and the spring pushes it forrard. The air in the chamber is speedily compressed and the BB is pushed at speed out of the barrel.

By Ranger Captain at English Wikipedia Later versions were uploaded by Boffy b at en.wikipedia. (Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Blitheness of how an AEG works.

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How does a GBB pistol piece of work?

(In simplistic terms) When the trigger is squeezed, gas is released from the magazine pushing the BB out of the butt. Simultaneously a small cylinder fills up with gas pushing against a piston which pushes the slide back resetting the mechanism and reloading a BB in to the chamber for firing.

A video showing how a Gas Blow Back Pistol operates

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What is "Hop-upward"?

The secret to the range and accuracy achieved by airsoft rifles is all down to another Tokyo Marui invention. Modern guns impart backspin to the BB in the butt, by means of a machinery called Hop-Up. The backspin is practical by squeezing the BB under a rubber pad known as the "Bucking". By applying more than or less pressure to the bucking, through a pad known equally the "Nub", more or less backspin can be practical.

Animation of how the Hop-Up works By BeadleB (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Blitheness of how the Hop-Up works

The backspin makes the round fly further by giving the BB lift to counteract the strength of gravity.

The effect of hop-up adjustment.

The result of hop-upwardly adjustment.

The result of getting lift from backspin is called the "Magnus Effect". A correctly adjusted HOP makes the circular fly in a stable manner without losing elevation until almost the end of its flight, at which point it drops off quickly. The adjustment of hop-up and the choice and word of the best hop-upwardly parts is a huge subject area worthy of it's own dedicated website.

How the Magnus Effect works

What is a "Skirmish" and so?

People who have played Paintball are struck by the similarities that Skirmishing has with that sport. Often, they are as well surprised by the differences.
A skirmish is an organised game, or series of games which take identify over a 24-hour interval (or more than one mean solar day). Basically, the players separate upwards into two teams and compete against each other. Objectives vary; King of the Hill, Hostage Rescue, Blow the Bridge are all common examples.  Players endeavour to shoot their opponents to take them out of the game. Shot players take to remove themselves from the arena of play for a short menstruum by returning to a nominated place before they can return to the game. As y'all can imagine, rubber is paramount so eye protection is mandatory and all players must pay attention to all pre-game briefings.
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How does one know when you're hit?

Offset a bit of science:

When 1 is hit by a paintball round, it hurts. The paintballs are large (0.68″ /17.27mm dia), heavy (max 3.2 gramme) and liquid filled. Paintballs are fired at cage energies around vi to 12 times those immune in airsoft: 16 Joules for rifles and 8 Joules for pistols.  To exist useful, a paintball has to exist strong plenty to survive being fired from its gun, yet be travelling fast plenty and be fragile enough, to interruption when it hits it's target. Paintballs can, and do, leave some really tasty bruises. Yous certainly know when you take been striking past a paintball.

Airsoft BBs are smaller (6mm dia) and lighter (usually 0.20-0.25 gramme upward to a max ~0.45 gramme). Cage energies are legally express (due to the recently introduced Policing and Crime Act) to 1.3 joules for fully automated rifles and 2.5 Joules for single shot/semi auto rifles. In practice almost sites ready limits lower than the legal maximum. At Tech Brigade we use 1.14 Joules for automatics and 2.3 Joules for single shot / semi auto. The Rules section has more detailed information on power limits.  While a BB flies much faster it is much lighter and doesn't comport anywhere near the kinetic energy of a paintball. A BB tin can leave a minor bruise. They can break unprotected pare and can, and practice, break teeth which is why we highly recommend wearing full face protection. At longer ranges Bulletin board system wont bruise or break peel.
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So how do I know I am hit?

Normally, you'll experience the round (or rounds) hit you. If you've been hit by Bulletin board system from an AEG, the chances are you're going to be hitting past a number of rounds. That feeling is quite unmistakable. You might also hear the person who shot yous celebrating in the distance! If a sniper round hits you lot, it will be a unmarried shot, just y'all will feel it. Some volition tell you that it hurts and undeniably, while a paintball round provides a punch, an airsoft circular can sting. Not enough to really injure, but enough to leave yous in no uncertainty you've been hit and not to want information technology to happen again also soon. That said, players often wear various chest rigs or plate carriers or, in cold conditions, may have several layers of clothing. This can arrive difficult to feel a striking. Also if you are at the far end of the rifle'southward range the BB will accept lost most all of it's kinetic energy and might not make much impact. Y'all may have to rely on hearing the hitting which makes a distinctive dissonance.
As airsoft is entirely based on honour, reliant on people being honest and calling their hits, if you are uncertain about whether or not you accept been striking only call yourself striking. As we operate a re-spawn system yous will only exist out of the game for equally long every bit information technology takes you to become dorsum to the re-spawn point and get back in to the fray again. If in doubt telephone call the hit!
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What then?

This is where a lot of people new to airsoft accept been known to frown a niggling and look slightly puzzled. When a person is hit, they are expected to own up to it. As there is no pigment there is no mode to show you are striking so it is down to each player to be honourable and own up to existence hitting themselves. Traditionally, the shot thespian shouts, in a clear loud voice,"Hit!" and stands upwards and raises their gun or free hand above their caput. Effort to make sure you phone call your striking quickly and loudly. Bear in mind that the person who shot you is likely to yet exist firing with a noisy airsoft gun held at their shoulder. So you need to be loud enough for them to hear you lot from some distance and over the racket of the gun firing next to their head. Once you have called yourself "Hit" immediately walk straight to your re-spawn point continuing to agree your gun or arm in a higher place your head. Don't look around trying to see who shot yous or where the shot came from. Don't talk to anyone, "Dead men don't talk!", until you accept reached the re-spawn indicate.

A selection of images of players calling "Hit!"

A choice of images of players calling "Hit!"

Some are tempted not to take their hits. Practise bear in mind that the chances are the person who shot yous knows the fact and will raise the matter with the person concerned, either at the time or during a break. Players tin quickly get a reputation and those who are known not to take their hits might find they are non welcomed in teams, and may observe themselves singled out equally a target.
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Isn't it a bit boring having been hit and waiting for a new game?

Which takes usa to the next principle, cardinal to the sport. Tech Brigade pioneered the Expressionless Zone or Re-spawn system. In most games a player gets to live more than once. Both teams take a designated "Dead Zone". When a actor is hit, they go to the Dead Zone. Subsequently which they are free to rejoin the game. A wise player might change a bombardment or top up a magazine during this time. Another game option is the 'Medic Rule' where a designated team fellow member can bring you dorsum to life – this would mean that you stay where striking until the medic can reach you lot.
It used to be that nigh airsoft sites didn't play the Dead Zone system, merely used the paintball-originated Condom Zone organization, whereby once you are hit, you retired to a nominated Safe Zone and were out for the remainder of that game. Nosotros plant that this needed too many marshals to constabulary and was quite disheartening for the new or unlucky player who got hit in the commencement 20 seconds of a game. These days most skirmish sites use some variation on the Dead Zone or Re-spawn system.
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So, what games tin can you play?

Airsoft attempts to recreate the thrill of an infantry date. Overwhelmingly, these take place in two arenas. The Urban setting and the Woodland setting. In general, the players are split upwards into two teams. Ane team, designated the defenders, have to protect an object, building or person. The others have to attack and shoot, secure or "blow upward" the objective.

Sometimes, it volition simply be a war of attrition, kill as many of the other squad as you can. King of the Loma relies on holding a ready objective whilst a timer counts down. Once the timer has expired, the team at the objective wins.

Sometimes a game will accept limits on the hardware that tin exist used. We know them as "Pistol and Pump merely" which means, no AEG'south or snipers, or "All Electrical" which is self-explanatory. These days these sort of games are played infrequently..

A time limit can exist assault a game. This has the effect of decision-making the tempo and thereby how the players play the game. On a long game, people will exist patient and tactical. In a curt game, players will exist more mobile and take more than risks.

At Tech Brigade we utilize a number of in-game props:

  • "Herman": A caput and shoulders aluminium cut out target which has to exist shot to end the game.
  • Flags: Which need to exist captured / nerveless.
  • Mortar Tubes: Which either accept a whistle attached which has to exist blown or a small firework within which has to be set off (over 18s just)
  • Mission Boxes: 3 yellow ammo boxes containing: A battery, A key switched intermediate box / pyrotechnic firing box and an Alarm box. These have to exist gathered together and connected using special short cables in a daisy chained manner. These tin can be used in several permutations:
    1. Bombardment and the primal switched intermediate box / pyrotechnic firing box in pyro box mode to burn a pyrotechnic device.
    2. Battery and Alarm box.
    3. Bombardment, the key switched intermediate box / pyrotechnic firing box in switched box fashion and Alarm box.

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What's better, attack or defend?

Well, they are very dissimilar.


When yous're defending you lot will commonly have a nice, dug in, position to defend and exist aware of where your comrades are because yous are all defending the same position. Your Dead Zone (if those rules are played) volition likely be shut by, so your hit players can recover rapidly. They can work well as a team and benefit from mutual support. But, they don't know where the attack volition come up from.


Concurrently, the attackers take the liberty of the game surface area and if they are good, they can outflank the defenders. They know more than or less where the objective is. But, they are often uncoordinated because they are spread out and their Dead Zone might exist a fair distance away. At Tech Brigade, the Gamesmaster will accept the attackers out-number the defenders; it makes for a better game.
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How many games volition you play and how long are they?

Depending on the game blazon, a game volition typically last betwixt 10 to lx minutes. Occasionally, a especially organised game will final more than than an 60 minutes. It'south usual to play games in batches of two or three, without returning to the Safe Zone so players should carry enough armament, batteries and gas to cover this. Normally each game session volition be one team attacks one defends, so a swap round, then return to to the Safe Zone to reload and tell the stories. How long a day lasts is downwardly to nature and weather! The What happens during the solar day section has a bit more than of a breakdown of the usual TB mean solar day.
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How will I know the game is over?

Good question! Don't worry we wont leave you alone in the field like a lost WWII Japanese soldier! In common with many aristocracy special forces, at Tech Brigade, "No-1 gets left backside!". All games have ane of two ending scenarios:

  • The game objective is achieved by the Attacking forcefulness: Every bit in the attackers capture the flag, over run the base, shoot the VIP, locate the hidden items or otherwise consummate their goal. In some cases this volition involve blowing a whistle, setting off an alert or firework or hitting a metal target. Either mode in that location will be a racket and a shout of "Game Over!" Usually followed by several blasts of a whistle.
  • The game objective is not achieved and the Defenders succeed in preventing the attackers completing their mission. This usually happens with the Defenders holding out and running down the game clock. Ane of the organisers go on'southward an eye on the clock and volition shout out how many minutes are left towards the end of the game: "10 minutes to go", "5 minutes to get", etc. When time runs out a whistle will be diddled. Followed by shouts of "Game Over!"

On the very rare occasions when players have dug themselves in to a defensive position some distance from where the action is and missed the whistle bravado and shouting nosotros do detect and ship out search parties to retrieve our lost comrades.
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How do I know which side is which?

Nosotros employ coloured armbands to identify which side are the Attackers and which are the Defenders. The Defenders always wear Red armbands. The Attackers don't usually article of clothing armbands. In some game scenarios we might have three teams. On these occasions we break out the special Bluish armbands 😉 .

A defending player showing the red defenders armband.

A defending histrion showing the scarlet defenders armband.

Pre-game briefing for the attacking team. Note the Green flag which is the Re-spawn marker and that none of the players have armbands.

Pre-game briefing for the attacking squad. Note the Green flag which is the Re-spawn marker and that none of the players have armbands.

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How to Work on Airsoft Gun

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